Tips for eZsign users: e-signature made easy for you


Here is a list of useful tips to get the most out of your eZsign e-signature solution.

1. Signing Language

eZsign is bilingual. If you have a transaction in which one client is an anglophone and the other is a francophone, it is possible for each signatory to receive the signing instructions in their preferred language. When you create your signatories, simply assign a specific language to their profile and we will communicate all instructions to them in that language.

2. Communications Management

When you send documents via eZsign or eZmax, the history of the communications is kept in the transaction. You can see the emails sent by clicking on the Communications section.

3. Searching in eZsign

When you can’t find a file in eZsign, using the search function allows you to search for a file via the “File Name”, the “Document Name” or the “Signatory Name”.

4. eZsign email not received

If a signatory claims that they did not receive the eZsign email you sent, it is likely because of one of these reasons:

  1. A mistake was made when entering the email address.  In which case, simply correct and send the email again. 
  2. The email went to the recipient’s spam or junk mailbox. Ask them to check their folders. 
  3. A change was made in the file and the link is no longer valid.  When this happens, simply “Send Documents” again.  

5. Load Template

Electronic signature is meant to make your life easier.  With that in mind, make sure to use the “Load Template” feature when placing your signature requests, this will save you time.

6. Create a Template

Create your own personalized templates for in-house documents/forms that you regularly send for signature. To do this, first place the signature blocks as required, then, simply click on “Save Template”.  The next time you have to get that form signed, click on “Load Template” and quickly get your signature blocks where they need to be!

7. Save your signature for next time

Want your signature to always be included when you send signed documents by email? Make sure to set up your automated signature by going to your profile icon / Change Your Preferences.

8. No option to add a signature block?

You uploaded documents to an eZsign file, but when the time comes to send the documents for e-signatures, you don’t have that option…why? Because you forgot to add the signature blocks on one of the documents in the file. Simply add the signature blocs and you’ll be able to send your file.

Looking for more information on how to use eZsign e-signature solution? See your frequently asked e-signature questions (FAQ). 

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