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Legal and Secure E-signatures

Flexible pricing plans. Top-tier security. Designed for Canadian businesses.

Transform your paperwork and workflows

Make the shift from pen and paper to e-signatures and experience smooth, fast, efficient processes.

Create Agreements

Create agreements

Users Authenticate

Users authenticate

Purchase Agreement


Capture E-Signature

Capture signatures securely

Signing Status E-Signature

View signing status

E-Signature Made Easier

Reduce the pain of paperwork, save money and improve collaboration.

eZsign is designed for a range of businesses that need to collect signatures electronically, including small to large companies, various departments, government, and other organizations.

4 Must-Have Features to Consider!

Unbeatable Proof: Ensure court-ready authenticity.

Our detailed proof of evidence has you covered!

Fortified Data Protection: Your Data, Our Priority!

Know your data is in good hands. eZsign stores all data securely on Canadian soil!

Assurance Level: Don’t settle for less.

Choose eZsign - An Assurance Level 4 Provider, the highest standards in e-signatures!

ISO Compliance: Your security matters.

eZsign meets ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27017 standards!

Why eZsign?

Why eZsign is an e-signature made easier




e-signatures offers:


Effortlessly obtain legally binding signatures from your customers, no matter where they are and without leaving your office.


Work with confidence knowing that your documents and data are secure.


Time-stamping authority (TSA) for fraud prevention. Worry-free long term validation (LTV) of signatures.

Best e-signature app in Canada

Here’s a sneak peak at the e-signature solution

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Get that document signed today.